Saturday 14 March 2015

I’m so angry I could tweet….

….but so old I have no idea how to do it.  I will however tangle with (and possibly invent) the concept of the ‘mini-blog’ in order to say ‘how on earth did Selma fail to win best film at the Oscars?’.  I’m sure that Birdman is a technically ambitious fine film (though a significant proportion of the Borderlines audience were a bit iffy to say the least) but Birdman is yet another self-referential film about actors.  Selma is an important film focusing on a turning point in US history and with huge contemporary relevance after recent events in Ferguson.

Could it possibly be that the Academy members, 94% white, predominantly male are a little bit obsessed with their own profession?  And in any case, didn’t they give an Oscar to a ‘black’ film last year?  And for heaven’s sake, three of the main characters are played by British actors.  So Birdman it is and I’m so angry I could tweet.
Huffington Post
 John Banks, 
Borderlines Vice Chair

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