Friday, 14 March 2014

Chewing the Cud

Hard decisions, taken by Reg Dudman in 1978
What a fantastic film Chewing the Cud, which premiered at the Courtyard on Tuesday evening, is.

We Herefordians are a unique breed (like our cattle) and it is wonderful to see a locally made film which captures this so sensitively and beautifully in a joyful (and sometimes tearful) celebration of our cattle market heritage.

And the story will go on as people begin to gather together online to share more of their memories and preserve precious stories and images for posterity.

Who knows, there may be a sequel or even a prequel feature one day but meanwhile everyone involved should be very proud of what they have created and everyone not involved - see it for yourself at one of the county-wide screenings coming up soon.

Deborah Summerfield

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