Wednesday 9 September 2009

Call for Hereford 350! International Day of Action on Climate Change

On Saturday 24th October 2009 thousands of events are taking place around the world, involving many millions of people…

From New Delhi to San Francisco, from Moscow to Amsterdam, from Songyuan City to Istanbul, people who see the urgency of the global climate situation are joining together to let those in power know that we want change.

Different towns and cities around the world are responding to the call for action in different ways, all featuring the number 350. It is an important number: 350 refers to the safe upper limit of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) in the earth’s atmosphere.

Here in Hereford, we are planning an event involving the whole city: 350 is the number of organisations, communities, businesses, firms, shops, factories, schools, churches, colleges, groups from all around the area that will come together to share in a celebration of human creativity and potential. Humanity has got itself out of some difficult situations… climate change is perhaps our biggest challenge yet!

Come and join in, learn about the possibilities and celebrate our potential to change. Within this crisis are opportunities. Ecological sustainability and social justice are achievable with the application of human creativity – and we already have ideas, projects, technologies and developments that show what can be done.

Get involved in Hereford 350! in whichever way best suits you or the organisation you represent…
For example you could…
  • Come and demonstrate an idea or technology that you or your company are developing
  • Bring along a stall letting us know how your organisation is dealing with making carbon reductions
  • Come and offer a workshop or discussion group about an area of interest to you
  • Come and set up an art display of work produced by your college, community or school
  • Bring along a stall advertising your green company or product
  • Bring along a piece of theatre, dance or display…
The possibilities are endless!

We will provide the space, the organisation, children’s activities and maybe even lunch! And, of course, the opportunity for you to network and create personal and community links with others from around the region.

By joining the 350 action on a world wide scale we are sending a clear message to our politicians: we are ready to change, and we are celebrating our ability to change.

At the Copenhagen Climate Conference this December we need these politicians to make even bigger changes: we need them to ensure that an agreement is reached on radical and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Only this way will we limit global warming and stop climate change.

If you would like to join in, please let us know!

Contact: Richard Priestley and the Hereford 350 team.
See our blog or e-mail or phone us c/o Bulmer Foundation 01432 294112 or write
c/o The Bulmer Foundation,
Cider Mills,
Plough Lane,
HR4 0LE.

See the website for more information about this international day of action.

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