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The reason for the absence of festive spirit is that, as Marketing Manager, I'm teetering on the point when work on the 2013 Festival Brochure can go ahead. Some films come up with a chance of being picked by one of the big festivals - Sheffield Doc or Edinburgh - and pull out, others become available at the last minute. Invited guests check their commitments to slot into allocated dates. The programme, which over the past week has been in a state of extreme flux, is clicking together day by day.
Currently my version of the programme schedule - a portion of it, anyway - is looking a bit like this: a series of grids, sellotaped together, with most items in bold, a few gaps, and a lot of annotations. It's a tricky balancing act for David, the Film Programmer, and Naomi, the Festival Director: on the one hand, the pressure to finalise and meet copy deadlines, on the other, retaining enough flexibility to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves at the last minute.
At the other end, I'm fed frequent bulletins and wade and wrestle through copy, the images I've amassed, endless lists (film titles, events, venues, ticket prices, sponsors ads, etc...) in order to be able to feed it into a rudimentary layout plan so that our designers, Elfen, in Cardiff can pull it all together. Much back and forth to follow.
The brochure is the most important and eagerly-anticipated piece of publicity and it has to meet tight deadlines in order to be ready for the fourth week of January. So, a deep breath, time to plunge back in. Christmas postponed till 24 December.
The reason for the absence of festive spirit is that, as Marketing Manager, I'm teetering on the point when work on the 2013 Festival Brochure can go ahead. Some films come up with a chance of being picked by one of the big festivals - Sheffield Doc or Edinburgh - and pull out, others become available at the last minute. Invited guests check their commitments to slot into allocated dates. The programme, which over the past week has been in a state of extreme flux, is clicking together day by day.
At the other end, I'm fed frequent bulletins and wade and wrestle through copy, the images I've amassed, endless lists (film titles, events, venues, ticket prices, sponsors ads, etc...) in order to be able to feed it into a rudimentary layout plan so that our designers, Elfen, in Cardiff can pull it all together. Much back and forth to follow.
The brochure is the most important and eagerly-anticipated piece of publicity and it has to meet tight deadlines in order to be ready for the fourth week of January. So, a deep breath, time to plunge back in. Christmas postponed till 24 December.